first section
second section

Introduction to the first section.

The first section starts with the paper: The Real Einstein.
The first version was prepared 2002..
Submitted for publication to Physics Essays it received two Referee Reports, very positive. But after these Reports it was rejected by Emilio Panarella Editor,
without any explanation.
Subsequently 2006 it was accepted for publication by Proceedings of 14° Congress of N.A.P. (Galilean Electrodynamics).
Italian edition by Società Editrice Andromeda , Bologna, Inediti n. 163.

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(English and Italian version revised 2008)


Introduction to the second section.

The second section starts with the paper:
The Cryogenic Model of Nuclear Fusion

Neutrons, Polyneutrons, Composition of Polyneutrons: Low Energy Nuclear Reactions (LET), Alchemy, Chemistry ( ICCF- 10, Cambridge, Massachusetts 24 - 29 August 2003).
This section deals with the Rediscovery of Alchemy.
When, in 1989, Fleischmann and Pons published their experimental results about the "cold fusion" D + D in Palladium lattices R. A. Monti had already published (in Italian) his new model of the atom and the Periodic Table .
Consequently it was easy, for him, to understand what had really happened and where Fleischmann and Pons were wrong. R. A. Monti explained these facts for the first time in the Erice Conference (Italy, Spring 1989). In 1991 he gave the following written explanation at the Second ICCF (Como, Italy).
a) Pd does not only act as a catalyst of the D+D reactions .
b) As a consequence of the nuclear reactions among Pd and LiOD the Palladium was "burning" like a match forming, at least within a thin layer, a plethora of new nuclei. It was a clear example of Alchemic Reaction.


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